The injury is over. During the process, I was feeling a bit anxious because I couldn’t ride my bike, even if I wanted to –and that made me change my training plans a bit–, but finally everything is over and I’m going to pull out all the stops.
On Friday 17/03 I met two friends at Sant Andreu Arenal train station to go to Monistrol de Montserrat and, from there, ride our mountain bikes to Balaguer, and finish the last two stages of the San Sebastià- Barcelona, ​​which were expected to be really hard.
If someone wants to read the chronicle of the route, here’s the link: http://foro.btteros.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=5817.
Long hours on the bike (22) and many kilometres (310) later, the feelings were quite good: the average speed while moving was 16.5 km/h, but the total speed was slower than the 14.2 required by the Powerade, due to the two long stops we had made, which aren’ t planned in the race. I felt my legs so well that I was even able to force the rhythm in the last kilometres along the river, since I knew that my mind wouldn’t fail.
I think I should improve my diet, and try some salt and magnesium pills, as everyone speaks very well of them.
All in all, it turned out to be a very useful test, which I hope will make me gain experience regarding the great challenge of the season!

Comencem les tirades llargues

S’ha acabat la lesió. Han estat un dies un pèl angoixants, perque volia sortir i gairebé no podia, i això ha fet que els meus plans d’entrenament canviéssin una mica; però al final, tot ha acabat i ara posarem tota la carn a la graella. Per començar, divendres 17/03 ens vem ajuntar tres amics a l’estació de tren de Sant Andreu Arenal per anar cap a Monistrol de Montserrat, i des d’allà, desplaçar-nos en bici de muntanya fins a Balaguer, per acabar fent les dues darreres etapes de la Sant Sebastià- Barcelona, que es preveien molt dures. Si algú vol llegir la crònica de la sortida, us deixo l’enllaç: http://foro.btteros.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=5817.
Moltes hores sobre la bici (22) i molts kilòmetres després (310), les sensacions són prou bones: la mitjana en moviment va ser de 16.5 Km/h i la total no va arribar als 14.2 exigits a la Powerade per culpa de les dues parades llargues que vem fer, cosa que no passarà a la cursa. Les cames van aguantar molt bé, i fins i tot vaig poder apretar en els darrers kilòmetres de riu; el cap ja sabia que no em fallaria. Penso que he de millorar l’alimentació, i provar les pastilles de sals i magnesi, ja que tot el món en parla meravelles. Va ser una prova molt profitosa, de la que espero extreure’n experiència per al gran repte de la temporada!