First Setbacks

As expected, the first setbacks of the season have arrived -I knew it wouldn’t be plain sailing …
Saturday 11, we rode the track of the Brevet 200, the Sprint Bike’s race, with SergiVH, and feelings were OK: 170 kms with a positive slope of 3000 and an average speed of almost 23 km/h. Everything was perfect until two kilometres before reaching the top at Vacarisses, the last hill before getting to Martorell, where I started to feel a severe pain in my right knee (the one that is not so bad): it was, without a doubt, a quadricipital tendinitis. I managed to get to the car and decided to rest on Sunday. Today, Wednesday 15, as soon as I tried to ride the bike, the same problem appeared, so I decided to come back home. Now, I will have to rest during the weekend and pray for my participation in the 25th Brevet.

second week

So far, the feelings are still good. On Saturday, I went mountain biking with my friend Manu to Collsuspina (130 km. / 2700 positive slope) and I felt really strong. On Sunday we went riding in Serralada de la Marina for 4.30 hours and, although I felt in my legs the effect of the previous day’s route, I wasn’t as bad as I had imagined. I must continue improving, since the objective is to increase my pace for the long races. As Transmaresme Race has been cancelled, I’ve had to change my schedule a little bit, and now the idea is to spend two weeks road cycling to prepare the Sprint Bike Brevet (25 Februray). I’d like to finish it in about 10 h., but since I don’t know what kind of route it is, I don’t want to put too much pressure on myself. Let’s see if I can check it next Saturday.